Now We Are Six a.a. milne When I was one, I had just begun. When I was two, I was nearly new. When I was three, I was hardly me. When I was four, I was not much more. When I was five, I was just alive. But now I am six, I’m as clever...
Capturing joy is my favorite thing to do. Seriously. You can keep your staid, posed, boring, cheesey-grinned photographs. That might be fine for some people. But not for me. And definitely not for this family. Give me joy. Unabashed, bursting from within, can’t hold it inside JOY. This is what I see each and every...
Operation Love Lola in T minus 3 days. Get ready sweet girl, all you have to do on Saturday is stand there and sparkle. You guys. People are GOOD. Really, really, good. We see so much ugliness in the media, on the news, on our Facebook feeds, and no, it won’t go away. But,...
Dearest Lola… I have to ask your forgiveness since I didn’t get your card sent before coming to North Carolina with some of my family for a beach vacation. But I hope you’ll be able to enjoy an ‘extra inning’ when I am able to get it sent your way! I know I can count on my beloved ‘Hodel’ (Michaela will explain that to you!) to get it to you. I’ll be thinking of you big time on your BIG DAY and sending TONS of LOVE & HUGS your way!!! ALL THE BEST TO YOU FOREVER!!! XOXOXOXOXOX, Gladys ‘Mama’ Cmiel
I have been inspired by Lola since the day I was blessed enough to meet her. She truly is a bright light in the darkness and she is beauty and love, and there are so many days and nights that she helps me go on doing what I am doing. I am convinced that during our brief time on this earth, the best thing that we can strive to do is to turn negative times/bad/scary/sad times into positive/happy and joy filled times of love and kindness and to spread that love an kindness to all we meet. it is seeing “Beauty (and love) in darkness” just as Michelle Gifford so wonderfully put it. Lola also says it beautifully in a poem she wrote “I have been happy and I have been sad, but I cannot go back 🙁 I have been happy and I have been sad, but I can go on! 🙂 ” Lola is an inspiration to all those lucky enough to get to meet her. Lola, I wish you much happiness and fun during your special day on Saturday, and much happiness, fun and love always. Love, Tamara Remington (Sheboygan Police Department)
Tamara – thank you so much for the beautiful words and beautiful message for Lola. She’s a lucky girl to have so many people sending her love and cheering her on. This entire process has been a blessing to me and I know she has touched many others as well. Can’t wait to see her soar!
Tam, Thank you! Such beautiful words for our gurl. You have to know that you are a huge part of why Lola continues to thrive! You represent the best of your profession; dedicated & compassionate. I am proud to call you friend. <3
Have you ever felt inspired to do something, but then, for whatever reason, you tell yourself I can’t. I shouldn’t. Never mind? Or you let yourself believe that this*something* isn’t important enough to fight for, and you give up at the first sign of struggle? I did. Or I tried to. But no matter how hard I...
Michaela Ristaino Photography | Sarasota FL | 941-363-1720
Beautiful job Michaela! AND……. Beautiful Families Erin and Rebecca!!!
Great pictures!